We’re here to help you. If you’re a veteran or a dependent planning to use your VA entitlement to cover tuition expenses or to help with other costs as you attend school, we’ve created the following three step process to guide you in submitting the correct paperwork. We’re also happy to answer your questions about everything from claiming your entitlements to finding your regional Veterans Affairs office to disability services at the University.
In order for University of Phoenix to process VA entitlements, applications for eligibility must be submitted to the VA and some additional documentation may be required by your Enrollment Representative at University of Phoenix. To avoid unnecessary delays, please work closely with your University of Phoenix representative to ensure all the appropriate paperwork is complete.
The veterans shared responsibility letter highlights your responsibility as a student and our responsibility as a university.
Please follow the three steps below to identify your entitlement, apply for benefits and submit paperwork to start your VA educational benefits with University of Phoenix.
Visit the Department of Veterans Affairs website for additional information on educational entitlements.
Available to those who entered Active Duty after June 30, 1985, completed at least two years continuous active service, contributed $1,200 to the program, received a high school diploma or GED, and received an honorable discharge. Learn more about the Montgomery GI Bill®.
Available to those who have a disability that was caused, or worsened, by active-duty service that limits their ability to work or prevents them from working. A Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor (VRC) determines who is entitled to receive VR&E employment support. VR&E benefits and services vary based on the student’s needs and goals. Learn more about Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E).
Available to those who entered the military after January 1, 1977, contributed to the program, and did not contract with the Armed Forces under a delayed entry program. Benefits are dependent upon total contributions made and are calculated individually. No allowance is made for payment for dependents. Active duty servicemembers may receive full VA educational entitlement under VEAP. Under specified conditions, participants of VEAP may be eligible to convert their entitlement to the Montgomery GI Bill®. Find out more about the Veterans Educational Assistance Program.
Those who served a minimum of 90 combined days on active duty after September 10, 2001, and received an honorable discharge are eligible. This benefit covers active duty served as a member of the Armed Forces or because of a call or order to active duty from a reserve component (National Guard and Reserve) under certain sections of Title 10. The amount of support that individuals may qualify for depends on where they live and what type of degree they are pursuing. Get more details on the Post-9/11 GI Bill®, as well as information about the Yellow Ribbon Program, a provision of the Post-9/11 GI Bill®.
The Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship amends the Post-9/11 GI Bill® to include the children and spouses of those servicemembers who died in the line of duty after September 10, 2001. Eligible children and spouses attending school may receive up to the highest public, in-state undergraduate tuition and fees, plus a monthly living stipend and book allowance under this program. Learn more about the Fry Scholarship.
Authorizes educational benefits to dependents and survivors of certain veterans who have serious disabilities as the result of their service (100% disabled), or who have died of a service-connected cause, were a prisoner of war or missing in action. Get more information on Dependents Educational Assistance.
Eligible servicemembers enrolled in the Post-9/11 GI Bill® program will be able to transfer unused education benefits to their spouses or children starting August 1, 2009. Read more about the Transfer of Post-9/11 GI-Bill® Benefits to Dependents (TEB).
The Reserve GI Bill® is available to any person who enlists, re-enlists or extends an enlistment in the Selective Reserve for not less than six years, in addition to any other period of obligation after June 30, 1985; earned a high school diploma or GED; completed the IADT; fulfilled 180 days of service in the selective reserve; and is satisfactorily participating in required training in the Selective Reserve. Find out more details about the Reserve GI Bill®.
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at http://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.
Apply for benefits through the US Department of Veterans Affairs and access the following information:
Before submitting your application for veteran education benefits to the VA, please validate that you have the correct University of Phoenix campus address on your VA application.
Please consult with your enrollment representative to learn which documentation is needed to use your benefits at University of Phoenix. Examples include:
Claim Received page
Can be printed or screen shot at the end of the application for VA benefits. Used for all Chapters, excludes Chapter 31.
Certificate of Eligibility
Mailed from VA after eligibility has been established. Used for all Chapters, excludes Chapter 31.
Award Letter
Mailed from VA after eligibility has been established. Used for Chapter 35.
Statement of Benefits
Can be printed from Vets.gov after eligibility has been established. Used for Chapter 33.
Authorizations/Purchase Orders (POs)
Electronically generated by assigned case manager. Used for Chapter 31.
Education Enrollment Status form
Can be printed from eBenefits.va.gov after eligibility has been established. Used for all Chapter 33 to include Transfer of Entitlement (TOE) and John David Fry Scholarship.
WAVE page – Verification of Benefits
Can be printed from gibill.va.gov/wave after eligibility has been established. Used for Chapter 30, Chapter 1606.
The Veterans Shared Responsibility Letter highlights your responsibility as a student and our responsibility as a university. Read the letter.
Whether you’re serving Active Duty, are a member of the Reserve or National Guard, or are the spouse of a military member, you my be eligible for special tuition rates. Our special military tuition rates may help to lower your tuition cost, so you can pursue your degree while you serve our country. Click here for more information about your options.
On April 27, 2012, the President of the United States signed Executive Order 13607, Establishing Principles of Excellence for Educational Institutions Serving Service Members, Veterans/Spouses, and Other Family Members. This Executive Order addresses key areas relating to federal military and veterans’ educational benefits programs.
For payment information select Education Benefit Payment Rates.
The Yellow Ribbon GI Education Enhancement Program (Yellow Ribbon Program) is a provision of the Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008. This program allows institutions of higher learning such as University of Phoenix to voluntarily enter into an agreement with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to fund tuition expenses and fees that exceed the annual cap established by Congress. The University of Phoenix has entered into an agreement with the VA to match up to 50% of those expenses and the VA will match the same amount as the University of Phoenix.
Get additional information on the Yellow Ribbon Program.
As a member of the military, you have a number of resources available to you to help pay for your education. Federal Tuition Assistance, as well as the Top-Up benefit, are two such resources you may want to know more about. Click here for more information.
Resolution Services oversees the student complaint process and will promptly and objectively resolve any complaints related to your student experience. To initiate the complaint process, please contact Resolution Services at (602) 557-5566 or email them directly at ResolutionServices@yopin365.com.
The Department of Veterans Affairs has two regional processing offices that handle GI Bill claims.
P.O. Box 4616
Buffalo, NY 14240-4616
Website: Buffalo VA Office
P.O. Box 8888
Muskogee, OK 74402-8888
Website: Muskogee VA Office
Your DD-214 is no longer required by the University of Phoenix Veterans Affairs Office. However, if you have misplaced or lost your original DD-214, you can request another copy from the National Archive and Records Administration for your own records.
The Student Accommodations Office offers accommodations for University of Phoenix students. The University of Phoenix has a program to help individuals who are disabled, have been wounded or who have chronic health issues. If you have been wounded and could benefit from classroom accommodations, please contact a campus accomodation specialists who can assist you with the process.
VA-approved education programs offered at University of Phoenix vary based on your state of residence and local campus. Please visit WEAMS to view your options and verify if your program of interest is approved for educational benefits in your state. If you have questions, please call the University of Phoenix Veterans Affairs office at 877.572.7232.